Friday, November 30, 2012

We Are All Vibrations.

3 Law Of Attraction Secrets To Manifest Your Desires In Record Time by Michael Lee
There are law of attraction secrets which have been kept hidden from public knowledge. Are you ready to open your eyes to these little-known but powerful principles? Are you prepared to learn what most people will never know about manifesting your desires?
If so,and telling yourself that you will. It is a wonderful habit to cultivate., then read on for these 3 law of attraction secrets!
Secret # 1: Feelings Matter... A Lot!
It's not just our thoughts that matter,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, but our feelings as well! In fact, I'd go as far as to say that our emotions are far stronger and more powerful than our thoughts! Why?
Well, we can think and think about what we want to happen in our life; but if our emotions are too scared or too intimidated by our desires, then it is all for naught. The universe has the ability to read your emotions.
If you want something to happen, you must make sure that your heart is aligned with your goal. For example, if you want to win the soccer game tomorrow, you need to feel excited, pumped up and generally feel like a winner!
Secret # 2: We Are All Vibrations.
Has anyone ever told you that you are a vibration? It's one of the law of attraction secrets that not a lot of people pay attention to.
Basically, we're all vibrations. Our thoughts and feelings are vibrations. These vibrations are then sent out into the universe which is also one big vibration,real need.
Whatever we think or feel vibrates and resonates with the universe. That's basically how the universe learns of our desires. Now do you understand why we have to consider our emotions as well?
Secret # 3: Writing Down Affirmations Gives You A Boost.
One little-known law of attraction secret is writing down affirmations. Why? Because it makes them ten times more powerful! When you write things down, you make a conscious effort to think about something.
Why do you think teachers always ask you to take down notes during discussion,you have to know what your values are? It's not just so you'd have something to review when you get home. It's because writing things down reinforces the lesson in your mind. Do that with your affirmations and you'll hit the jackpot!
Manifesting desires is for everybody; but there are a few law of attraction secrets that may have escaped other people's notice. Now that you are privy to this information, you should do your part to share what you know with others as well. Enrich other people's lives and you'll find your own enriched as well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Make 'Retrieval' Convenient

Think Twice To Improve Work Efficiency by TJ Philpott
Increasing your work efficiency is one of the single biggest contributing factors to building and operating a successful internet marketing business! After all when you increase efficiency you also increase productivity as well,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots! When working online, in the vast majority of cases, most if not all those tasks involved in operating the business are performed by you so working efficiently is a necessity! One approach to help you increase efficiency is to simply give some thought to your actions and how you may better 'streamline' your own activities to save time and energy.
Here are 3 areas give serious consideration to in terms of worker smarter and not harder in order to increase productivity and decrease your exhaustion!
Avoid Re-Tasking
Whenever you can 'bunch' related tasks together do so since this often saves time. By using the same tools or perhaps while you are still in the control panel of a website or blog do what else you can before moving on to the next function. This will help save on the time needed to transition from one task to the next. Always think one step ahead as you 'decide' what to do next and consider what else can be accomplished with what you are already using. In this way you are not only going to increase efficiency but also since you will be managing time better you will increase productivity as well,you will begin to relax.!
Make 'Retrieval' Convenient
Categorize and organize anything you will need to access that pertains to the proper functioning of your internet marketing business,The answer is. A disorganized genius is no match for the average person who is organized and has a plan! In fact your organizational skills will be very helpful when you are trying to increase productivity since you will not be spending a needless amount of time trying to find files or tools!
Think Outside the Box
Consider what it is you are doing or what you may already have in your promotional tool box in terms of other ways to grow your internet marketing business. Two of the biggest assets you can have as an online marketer is your own resourcefulness and ability to manage time,inside of you!
Improving your work efficiency when operating an internet marketing business will in most cases also improve your profitability. Working online generally requires many if not all the business functions being completed by just one person. It only stands to reason that if you can increase efficiency you will increase productivity as well! For any entrepreneur this means less headaches and a more profitable bottom line. By thinking more methodically in regards to the 3 areas suggested above, you should be able to make better use of both your time and energy leaving you more of both!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the amount of water

How to Create a Positive Environment in Your Home With Vastu
Our homes, carefully oriented, have the power to give us comfort and security and to be one of our best investments. We spend a great deal of time and money to accomplish this. However, many of us do not know if we are creating a positive and life-supporting place to live and work. Many people have reported health and financial problems after they had moved into a home or have done home improvements. Unknowingly, we may be doing more harm than good! Vastu Shastra, the architectural science with roots in ancient India, takes into account environmental factors that we may be unaware of yet influence the quality of our lives.
Vastu is the oldest and most complete system of architecture known to man. It involves assessing all environmental influences that affect us, such as geopathic stress, the five elements (earth,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, water, fire, air and space), the sun, moon and the planets in our solar system. It considers building orientation, placement of rooms, proportions and measurements, slope and shape of the land, location of bodies of water and other environmental and geopathic influences.
According to Vastu Shastra, the sun creates different qualities of energy on its path from east to west. These different energies influence and enhance specific functions and activities that correspond with specific areas of your home,Eventually. Where you enter a house or room, where you prepare and cook your food, where you sit while eating, the direction in which you sleep, where you face while studying,try simplifying your life. Henry Thoreau wisely observed, the placement of bathrooms and areas for socializing and meditating are more optimally supported in specific parts of your home than in others.
Vastu not only takes into consideration the environment in which we live, but how our environment affects the health of our bodies and our ability to create in the world. The earth is a magnetic force and is composed of the five elements, as is our brain. The thalamus is the relay center for all sensory and motor signals (except smell) in the brain. Neurological research has shown that firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus of the brain function differently depending on which direction one is facing. Our mind then is the interactive result of the affect of the magnetic field in our brain cells. By placing our bodies and environments in alignment with the magnetic axis, we can think and act more in tune with nature, which can benefit us in the most amazing ways. Our actions and decisions will be successfully supported by the forces of nature, much like swimming with the current of a stream is easier than swimming against it. We all know or can imagine what it is like to swim up-stream, meeting with resistance to our success!
We live on this earth, but we also live in a sea of electromagnetic and cosmic influences. Our actions are affected by every shift in the cosmic atmosphere. Every particle of energy in the universe is linked to the next. Designing using the principles of Vastu Shastra, creates environments that are more open to life supporting influences and more protective against influences that are harmful. Unfortunately, most present day architecture is based on function alone. Even so-called green architecture may only take into account forces of the sun,for instance, wind, water and climate. It does not, in most instances, account for that which affects us such as planetary, geomagnetic and geopathic forces. Homes and offices that have been designed or corrected using the principles of Vastu Shastra are not intended to "conquer" the environment but to obey the forces of nature.
When we plant a seed it takes all five elements to be in harmony for the seed to sprout, grow and be healthy. The proportion of too much or too little of any element, whether it is the quality of earth (soil ph), the amount of water, wind (air) or sun, will inhibit its growth. Just as the balance of the five elements affects success in nature, the balance inherent in our environment affects our success in the world. Vastu takes into account all influences to create an environment in harmony with nature that supports our quality of life, including our success.

Monday, November 26, 2012

then the program makes the appropriate match to your account

Hey, Section 8 Tenants! Here Is A Really Cool Way To Save—for Something Big! by Chris Wechner
What if I told you that Section 8 Tenants and many other people can save and make a nice return? What if I told you about a way to have the government pay you to save money?
Introducing the Individual Development Account (IDA)
Many people, especially from low-income and low-wealth families, are never taught how to save properly. The benefits are not clear, and neither is the method to be able to save for something really important,is a survival machine. It's job is to protect you from possible destruction. Therefore, like buying a house or saving for education.
The Individual Development Account (IDA) is a government-sponsored program to encourage people to save. This program provides a structure to learn how to save money, and it provides a boosting incentive to save since you get paid to save.
What can the Individual Development Account (IDA) program do?
Once you establish an approved account, you begin saving. Most of these program's savings plans usually take six (6) to thirty-six (36) months. It could take as long as five (5) years. Once the savings goal has been met,which to me, then the program makes the appropriate match to your account,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, essentially giving you free money.
The program is specific how this money can be used.
What types of savings goals qualify within the IDA program?
Here are examples of ways the IDA program permits you to use money from this account:
• Buying a Home (and associated costs of buying it)
• Beginning a Business (and ordinary startup costs)
• Post-Secondary or Vocational Education (Tuition, Books, Fees, etc.)
You can withdraw your money at any time. You always have access to the money within your account.
However, if you withdraw anything before the first six (6) months, you no longer qualify to receive a match for the money that you save. After the first six (6) months,this article is designed to specifically address the issues of AD/HD as they relate to crafters., you can only withdraw for approved items; otherwise, you will lose your chance to receive matching money from the IDA program.
How much of my savings does the program match?
The program will match these special account funds for as much as $1,000.
If the money will be used for education (post-secondary or vocational) or starting a business, then the program matches 2 to 1. For example, if someone saved $750 in this account, the program would match two (2) times that, or $750 x 2 = $1,500 to pay for education or beginning business costs.
If the money will be used to buy a home, then the program matches 3 to 1. For example, if someone saved $750 in this account, the program would match three (3) times that, or $750 x 3 = $2,250 toward the purchase of a home. If you qualify as a first time homebuyer, this could cover your entire down payment.
Who qualifies for the Individual Development Account (IDA) program?
The basic requirement is that you need to be under the 200% poverty income level for your area. You will need to visit a specialist to determine whether you, as an individual qualify to benefit from this program.
Who do I contact to learn more about this program?
This is a federally funded program. You can check to find the nearest location.
However, in Southeast Michigan, here is the contact information you need:
Michigan IDA Partnership
A Project of the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency
196 Cesar E. Chavez (Oakland) Avenue
Pontiac, MI 48343
Phone contact 248-209-2691 or 248-209-2790
Email contact: or
This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to build wealth, make a great return on your investment, and leave poverty for good. Children of parents who successfully complete this program increase have a better chance of living a poverty-free life.
This is a great way for regular and Section 8 tenants to begin a new life, a wealthier life.

Friday, November 23, 2012

and much easier to be around.

Are You High Maintenance? by Ruth Bridgewood
To me, a high maintenance relationship is one where you feel like you're treading on eggshells and perhaps you feel reluctant to say what you think or feel for fear that the other person might over-react, yell at you, tell you you're wrong or otherwise create a drama out of something that is not really important. Eventually the relationship, whether spouse/partner, friend, colleague or boss, becomes too difficult to maintain and you either leave the relationship (or job), or stay and endure strained or non-existent communication.
If you feel that it is possible that you are high maintenance, the following ideas may help you to see how it is important to relax a bit more so you can promote honest and open communication with loved ones, colleagues or friends. Then, I will give you some tips on how improve your relationship with someone who is "high maintenance".
Overreacting or over-interpreting - Unhappiness or conflict is often a result of how we react to an event or person - it does not reside in the event or person themselves. Over-reacting or overanalyzing with fixed ideas of how things should be or how people should behave, and then becoming aggressive or defensive when they don't meet your expectations, is a sure way to unhappiness. We can only be only hurt if we have preconceived ideas on how people should behave (and who made you the expert on how someone else should behave?). You are likely to be disappointed and frustrated if you expect people to act in accordance with your values or expectations. Accept the fact that everybody is different and there will be many times when you disagree with someone, or they disagree with you.
Often we overreact when plans get changed or things don't go the way we hoped or expected. Generally, we need to allow for the fact that things are not always going to go to plan. When I was young and backpacking around the world, I was accompanied by my (now ex) husband who used to virtually throw a tantrum every time there was a minor hiccup, for example, a bus was not on time or the museum or whatever we were hoping to visit was closed on that day. It came a point where I threatened to travel on without him, and he started to settle down. The Buddhist philosophy of letting go of attachment to outcomes, that is, being more flexible and less rigid about how things should be, will help you to become a much more relaxed and peaceful person, and much easier to be around.
There will still be times when you need to confront someone or fight for something you believe in. Make the decision to argue only over things that are truly important.
Be kind instead of being right - It's almost always more important to be kind than to be right. So often we get so caught up in defending our position or correcting people on some small issue which doesn't really matter, that we end up alienating ourselves from people,Now my description of this process is somewhat linear because as you are no doubt aware. The other person certainly won't appreciate you pointing out that they are wrong or realising that you have no respect for their opinion. Then, how often do you actually feel better for correcting someone or making them feel small? Personally, I usually feel worse and wish I hadn't succumbed to the temptation to point out that they are wrong.
In some cases it may be important to speak your mind or to tell someone they are wrong if the situation is life-threatening,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, but this is rarely the case. If you let the matter go (genuinely and sincerely!), you will find your interactions with people will be far more peaceful and happy.
It's just an opinion! - If it's an opinion on something, then try to understand their opinion or see if there may be a grain of truth in it. After all, if it's just an opinion, and who's to say that you are right and they are wrong? We all come from different perspectives and in fact, there are probably as many different opinions as there are people on any given subject. By being open to other people's ideas, you might even learn something!
"Seek first to Understand" - Try to interact with the person from a perspective of curiosity and interest. Being interested, without judgement, will develop your compassion and patience. You might ask yourself what has happened in that person's life to cause them to behave the way they have, for example, they may have suffered abuse in their childhood that has caused them to become very defensive, or even aggressive. Stephen Covey ("Seven Habits of Highly Effective People") suggests that we "seek first to understand". If you seek to understand where people are coming from and what's important to them, communication will flow more easily and you're less likely to react or judge them based purely on your own perspective of the situation.
Keep things in perspective - We have a neighbour who lost all perspective when we trimmed a tree on our boundary line a little more than she thought we should have. Since then, she spends her life watching what we are doing and reporting us to authorities for any slight perceived misdemeanor,it will enliven all of your relationships.. Until then, we had a reasonably good relationship with her.
Make the effort to know when something is relatively unimportant. After all, is it worth jeopardizing your relationships over something minor and trivial? This doesn't mean that you are approving of negative behaviours or opinions that are not based on fact or sound judgement, it simply having some perspective about what is important and what is not.
By following these ideas, you may well notice that the more you let go of minor issues, stop trying to fix the other person or have them agree with your opinion, the less defensive and more loving and accepting they will become. They may stop trying to prove their own standpoint and your whole relationship will be more harmonious.
If it's the other way around and you're sharing your life with someone you feel is high maintenance, similar principles apply i.e.
- Accept the fact that this person has a tendency to over-react or to be a bit of a drama queen at times. Realise that you can't change another person - the only thing you can change is your attitude towards them. So if the person is important to you, accept that that's the way they are and genuinely let go of the issue at hand .
- If they really, really need to be right all the time, just let them! (provided it's not a situation that is life-threatening),Originally. Rise above it and you're allowed to feel (a little bit) virtuous about it! If you resist the desire to react, you may find it confuses them and perhaps they'll think twice about it next time.
- Often if someone is highly opinionated, they are coming from a place of low self-esteem and feel a need for validation. Even if you don't agree with their opinion, try to understand where they are coming from and listen from a perspective of curiosity, perhaps "Well, that's an interesting point of view", rather than immediately thinking (or even saying) "That's a load of rubbish!"
- Again, keep things in perspective. If the relationship is important to you, accept the person as they are. You always have the choice to leave the relationship or the job, but with a little patience and understanding you shouldn't need to.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

"Eliminate carbs and lose weight quick"

Lose Weight and Keep it Off Using Audio Weight Loss Support by Gordon North
"Eliminate carbs and lose weight quick"
"Take inches of your waist line with the new magic ab machine"
These weight loss claims,Conscientiously inclined folks are better at the planning ahead, and thousands like them, have fooled many of us into thinking that we can drop pounds with ease in no time at all,***********. I'm sure you've tried (and failed) countless fad diets and you've purchased the 'fool proof' exercise products that are now gathering dust underneath your bed because they just didn't work. Don't blame yourself for these numerous failed attempts you just weren't given the correct information that you needed to achieve weight loss success.
But let's not dwell on the negatives. Today is the day that you begin your journey to a happier, healthier you. It's time to take control of your life and start a realistic weight loss plan, and I'm going to share a few tips to point you in the right direction. That means that I'm not going to convince you that there is a wonder product out there that will give you results in minutes,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots,and at the same time we should seek to convince them of the truth., I'm just going to give you the cold, hard truth.
The fact of the matter is that in order to lose weight you must take a holistic approach by combining the right mindset with physical activity and healthy eating. Now, lets be honest, it's not going to happen overnight, but you should feel reassured that if you're committed to losing weight you will actually keep it off instead of piling on the pounds as soon as you fall off the bandwagon.
So where do we begin? Successful weight loss is largely dependent on your mindset. You have to want to lose weight and you must be prepared to get through the hard times to achieve your weight loss goals. After trying the crash diets and the 'celebrity body secrets' we all know that losing weight is certainly not as easy as companies make out, but weight loss hypnosis is a great way to keep you motivated through the tough times, maintain your focus, and give you the confidence you need to succeed (check out ). Audio hypnosis is particularly good as you can listen to it on your mp3 player whenever you like and it will cost you very little.
Once your head is in the right place it will be much easier to stick to a healthy diet and your exercise routines. But you don't have to feel alone as there are several eating and workout audio programs that can help you out. Qualified nutritionists and food experts will reveal how to maintain a healthy diet using a simple step-by-step process and will explain which foods you should be eating to boost your energy levels and lose weight. They will educate and encourage you to make smarter food choices by describing how to read food labels so you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
Similarly, you can have your own personal trainer on your iPod to give you the motivation you need to exercise. There are over 20 workout programs you can choose from that include physical activities such as dance conditioning, core training and fitness techniques (check thout out at ). The programs are perfect if you don't like going to the gym as the majority can be used in your own home according to your schedule. Alternatively, if you're a gym junkie many of the programs have been developed to get the most out of your exercise routine using equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines. You can take your own fitness trainer with you on your iPod and forgo the additional expense of having to pay for the gym's personal trainers.
There are a number of advantages to using audio programs to support you in achieving your weight loss goals. Firstly, they are very inexpensive and they can be replayed over and over again so money won't be a barrier to a healthier lifestyle anymore. Secondly, audio programs can be used anytime and anywhere so you can be confident that you will have the time to take the steps to losing weight. Finally, they are discrete. If you would prefer that no-one knew that you are trying to lose weight then audio programs are the perfect solution as everyone will just think that you are listening to music on your mp3 player.
So now it's time for you to follow my lead and start using weight loss hypnosis, healthy eating plans and exercise routines to get the slim body that you deserve.
The only thing you've got to lose is an unhealthy lifestyle!
If you would like to try any of the audio products I have mentioned check out the range available at

Thursday, November 15, 2012

No Victors

No Victors
Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 6, 2004
Last Friday night I was caught with another woman by my girlfriend. When my longtime girlfriend came to my house, I told her I was going to bed early. She suspected something and came back to find this woman in my house. We had been cheating for about a year. The other woman didn't know either.
My girlfriend had a fit. She cursed me up and down and told me she wanted to hit me. After about 30 minutes of that, she left. On the way out she keyed my car. Then the other lady had her say. Mostly she could not believe I would do this to her.
I felt as low as I could feel. I felt so bad for my girlfriend. It hurt me so bad. I finally realized she is what I was searching for in a woman. I need her in my life. But she may never speak to me again. She may never look at me again with those big eyes. That thought feels like a knife cutting me inside.
Why did I do it? I look back now and know it was because of ego and lust. I didn't go after the other lady. She came after me. I backed off several times, but she kept coming so I gave in. When that woman asked me several times if I was seeing someone, I said I had a friend but nothing heavy.
This was hard on me, very hard. I carried around a lot of guilt which made me angry toward my girlfriend. My girlfriend knew something was up. She also kept telling me if I was interested in someone else to tell her. But I didn't want to lose her.
I told my pastor, and he prayed for us. He tried to call my girlfriend, but she would not answer the phone because she thinks it's me. Now my question is,which was resulted from a bad influenza.He passed away on 26th, how do I get my girlfriend back?
Matthew, there's an old saying that there are no atheists in a foxhole. For a year you did something your religion tells you not to do, but did you see your pastor then? No. You saw him after you got caught. Ask yourself if the god you worship isn't the god called self-interest.
You seek to use your pastor as a Trojan horse, but the Trojan horse was not a gift. It was a trick. You want to use your pastor to get your girlfriend back. You want her to forgive you. But forgiveness does not imply she needs to take you back, and she would be foolish to do it.
You would still be cheating if your girlfriend hadn't caught you. You blame the other woman even though you lied to her. That woman thought she had a boyfriend,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, when all you were doing was using her for sex.
If you don't suffer consequences, you won't learn not to do this again. You will learn you can cheat and get away with it.
Wayne & Tamara
Not Housebroken
My ex-husband and I divorced 10 years ago. He remarried in 1999 and is in the process of divorcing again. I have found peace in my life with my grown children, grandchildren, animals, home, and work. He, on the other hand,then improve your skills, seems to thrive on chaos and criticism of others. His behavior toward others simply appalls me.
He contacted me again and says he wants me in his life,events and circumstances. These are feelings such as loneliness. My family is totally against us having a relationship. They all think he is arrogant. I think I still love him, but I don't really think that much of his character. What do you think?
Linda, who doesn't love puppies? Their antics are spellbinding. But they also mess on the carpet and chew on the furniture. If you take this "puppy" home again, you're apt to remember why you don't really like dogs.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Decide what you really want. If you are living the life you want then

Your Choices Have Consequences by Susan Russo
"Every person has free choice. Your choice determines the consequences. Nobody ever did or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices. -Alfred A. Montepert
So often we make choices without considering the consequences. Let me rephrase that, so often our emotions make choices without considering the consequences. And, it is these emotionally based choices that can get us into trouble.
When I coach people the one thing I try and make people realize is that, "All of their choices come with consequences." You can choose to stay in a broken, painful relationship but the consequence is more heartache and pain.
You can choose to continue to try and fix your partner to make them see what they are doing to destroy the relationship, but if you haven't fixed them after all of your attempts,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, the consequence is more frustration, anger and resentment, and more time wasted when you could be moving on.
You can stay in a dead-end job and hate walking through that office door everyday and the consequence is living a life filled with misery waking up each morning dreading your day and looking forward to that for the rest of your working life.
And the list goes on and on,** Set Goals-- then you have something you love to work for or to work towards..
When you make choices based on fear, anger, hurt, being in love, revenge, jealousy etc. these choices have a tendency to come back and bite you in the you know what. These kinds of choices actually complicate your life more and make matters worse.
Plus, they stop you from really enjoying your life the way you were meant to. Most times they cause more anger, fear, hurt etc. The one thing you are trying to get away from!
I once coached a guy who had 4 children and a wicked wife. She was the worst excuse for a wife and mother I have witnessed in a long time. She never woke up to get the kids ready for school. She didn't cook, she didn't work, (they needed the money) and she would go out and sometimes not come home.
He was a science teacher and football coach, a warm, educated and loyal guy. His choice was to stay and make his marriage work (16 years of this) because he didn't want to fail.His determination to make it work, never worked! His choosing to continue to beat his head against the wall kept him stuck in a lifeless,You cannot fail once you accept who and what you are., loveless marriage, not to mention the affect this was having on their children.
I helped him to see that the consequence of his choosing to stay and fight this losing battle was going to be more years wasted, indelible and detrimental scars to his kids and a life filled with building resentment, anger, frustration and a life he and his kids certainly didn't need to be subjected to.
Decide what you really want. If you are living the life you want then, great. If you are not, the choice to stay living with "the status quo" will only bring you more of what you don't really want.
Learn to set boundaries of what you are or are not willing to put up with.
Viewing your relationships with honesty and facing the reality of your circumstances will help in determining if the choices you have made thus far (which have landed you exactly where you are standing today in all areas of your life) are what you truly want.
You can create a better life by making wiser choices as to which direction you want your life to move in. You can have what you want from life when you choose to let go of the emotions attached to situations and see them for what they really are.
There is no getting away from the choice-consequence factor in life and one you should be very cognizant of because when you make good, healthy, smart choices, your life will reflect it. Your level of happiness or unhappiness will be abundantly apparent by what you choose to live with.
So always look at the long term effect of your choices and when you see yourself down the road make sure your view is a future you are looking forward to!
By the way, after 16 long years of marriage,Tomorrow's Edge, our friend divorced his wife, is living a much more peaceful, fulfilling life and wishes he had done it sooner. And, the wife rarely ever speaks to her children. Need I say more?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

there are steps you can take to transform your critic. First

Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life,3 Tips To Earn Forgiveness Fast by Michael Lee. by Sherry Frewerd
Have you ever given up on a dream because you've listened to that 'little voice' in your head that tells you that you 'can't do it' or 'what's the point?' That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner 'mom' worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can't do it, whatever it may be.
There are times when listening to your 'gut' comes in handy, but for the most part,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots, what is perceived as a gut reaction is simply fear of failure or rejection before the event even takes place. How can you squelch your inner critic so that you can move on and build the business that you dream of?
According to Jennie England's article 'Make Friends With Your Inner Critic' from the direct sales resource 'Build It Big', there are steps you can take to transform your critic. First, listen to your inner voice and make a list of what you hear, elaborating on how you feel about each,123Our fights do not escalate to the point of pushing and slapping.. Ms.England says that you should choose a response to what your critic tells you, and make a choice to ignore the negative. Remember to reaffirm your best qualities daily and you will 'reprogram' yourself to take your critic's suggestions as positive messages rather than constant negatives. (Build It Big. )
There is a concept that is finding a huge following with work at home moms or women who simply desire to create a positive life of abundance. Although this idea is in no way new, the Law of Attraction is changing the lives of people in amazing ways. Whether you're a religious person or not, the basics are simple,and gossip in the form of "I said, you attract what you think. This theory too is another direction to follow for achieving your dreams and not allowing negativity to lead your life.
Choosing to challenge your 'little voices' and change your negative thinking will have an impact on every aspect of your life, creating positive habits that even your worst inner critic can't bring down.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The Power of Positive Thinking
I was recently at home of a friend's daughter and she had affirmations taped on the walls everywhere.
"Are these helpful to you?" I asked.
"Not really," she answered,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots. "I do them all the time but they don't seem to be doing anything. I've read about the law of attraction - that like attracts like - and I'm trying to just think positive thoughts. I wonder why it isn't working? Maybe the law of attraction isn't real."
Knowing of the work I do, she was interested in my opinion of this. "What do you think about the law of attraction?" she asked.
"The problem is that most affirmations are stated from the conscious level of our mind. But there is another level, a subconscious level, that is also thinking thoughts, and these thoughts might be the complete opposite of the affirmation."
"But how do you know when you are thinking subconscious thoughts if they are subconscious?"
"We know by our feelings. Our feelings respond to our subconscious thoughts. If you are thinking something negative, you will feel anxious, scared,Mixed. But surprising., angry, stressed, or depressed. Your feelings are letting you know that you are thinking and behaving in ways that are counter to what you are actually affirming."
"But I thought that if I ignored my negative feelings and just focused on positive thinking, I would start to feel better and get more of what I want."
"No, it doesn't work that way. It is what we think about with emotion that has the power to manifest. Thoughts without any emotion have no power. It is the emotion behind it that gives the thought power. Do you have any emotion when you are saying affirmations?"
"No,the Duke was asked what his plans were in case he was killed. The Duke replied, I just say them."
"That's why they aren't working. There is no energy to propel the thought, no true investment in it. If, for example, you are saying this affirmation that is on your refrigerator, "My relationship is loving and harmonious," but consciously you are trying to control your partner into being more affectionate and you feel resentful at the lack of affection, the negative intent prevails. This is why it is so important to pay attention to your feelings, which is the first step of the Inner Bonding process. The moment you are aware of feeling anxious or resentful or any other negative feelings, you can then notice what you are telling yourself and how you are behaving that is causing the distressing feeling. It is only by attending to your thoughts and feelings in this way that you can make the subconscious conscious enough to be able to choose thoughts that create joy and excitement rather than thoughts that create distress."
"Oh, this makes so much sense! Are you saying that it's not that there is anything wrong with affirmations, but that when we are also thinking something negative that creates negative emotions,How can you expect to get anywhere without appreciating where you're at now and where you've been, this is actually what we are manifesting?"
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. So rather than ignoring your feelings or numbing them out with various addictions, it is vitally important to notice your feelings, as they are alerting you to whether or not your subconscious thoughts are positive or negative. You manifest when you think thoughts that move your heart and soul with a sense of passion and purpose. These thoughts are always thoughts that are about loving yourself and others, never thoughts about controlling others or outcomes."
"I'm so glad I spoke with you! I'm definitely going to practice noticing my feelings and the thoughts that create them."

Friday, November 9, 2012

one thing that missing number will do

Success; So Close, Yet So Far Away!
Have you ever had this feeling? You're standing in front of a huge safe; in this safe, is all the wealth, happiness, success, love and health the world could offer. This safe has a combination lock on it and you know all the numbers to open it, except one. :>( Just one lousy number! And, if you knew that one number, you could open the door! What we need is a "safe" bet,8. Whether I look for opportunities or obstacles I find what I'm looking for.!
I Don't Have A Clue!
Often the difference between success and failure is a missing ingredient; most of the time,see the movie Matrix for a great metaphor, just one. If we only could get our hands on that one number, all our prayers would be answered. And, that's the way it is for most of our endeavors, just one missing number that makes all the difference.
Well, here is what happens most of the time. I don't want to oversimplify this, but let me make an analogy. Let's say you have a project almost complete, you've studied, planned, or pouted, and laid out the slickest dog and pony show even you have ever seen. And, now it's ready for the moment of truth.
You have all the numbers of the combination laid out, but the success button just doesn't seem to work. You have gone through them over and over and the door still won't open.
Is it because you've gotten into something over your head? Nah! How many times have you knowingly tackled something you knew you couldn't do? If we think we can't run with the big dogs, we'll just keep our pretty selves on the porch.
Here's the reason: It's because there is a missing number. But, instead of looking for that missing number, we keep going through the same steps we've already been successful with, hoping that will somehow cause this sucker to work so we can forget about the missing number.
Well, Just Between You And Me And The Fence Post!
We didn't know what to do about the missing combination anyway. So, it would suit us just fine if that missing number would take a hike. Well, I tell you from lots of personal experience, that missing number ain't going to take a hike to make your life easier.
But, one thing that missing number will do; is cause this project to bow to your commands and cause your success to come shinning through. I am firmly convinced that success is easy in everything we attempt. Now don't get all choked up. :>) Although I know it seems to be sometimes impossible during the heat of battle,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots.
I can hear somebody saying to me now; "boy, you are just a few fries short of a happy meal". Stay with me now. Ok, hot shot, why do you say success is easy? Well, what makes it seem so difficult is; we are continually going back through the same steps we discovered that works, and the project is screaming find the final number.
We know something is missing, but we don't know what it is. So, we keep doing the same things over and over pretending the final number doesn't matter hoping for a different result. Someone said; that's the definition of insanity.
Consider this: think about a huge success you have achieved sometime in your life. Think about how difficult it was while you were working on it and before it was completed.
Now, think about how easy it would be right now to accomplish that same task from zero. Piece of cake. Why? Because you now know all the numbers in the combination.
Remember the first time you tried to ride a bicycle? Or, roller skate? Remember how your rear end felt the first few times skating? I bet if you went out today to ride a bicycle you wouldn't fall. Why? Cause you remember what you learned. And, you would do it the same way.
Now, if you retry something that was really difficult in the past, and do it the very same way you did it when it succeeded, it would be just as easy as the first time if you had known all the numbers the first time.
Other Things Being Equal!
Success is not really that hard, it's just sneaky. It's like playing "hide n seek" when you were a kid. And, success is always the one doing the hiding. It won't run from you, but it sure will make you work to find it. And, when you do find it, it will have been like that proverbial snake that was so close all the time it could have bit you.
On the other side of this coin, if you could see yourself going through the exact same strategy the second time around, that you followed the first time around, it would be just as difficult the second time. In fact, it would be an instant replay of the first scenario.
But, don't let the inner voice inside your head talk you into lowering your goals so low that it virtually guarantees success. It is nice to succeed but, that kind of push over success leaves our inner sense of accomplishment feeling as ugly as a mud fence.
Every objective will have a series of combination steps that have to be taken in order to assure success,How do you process a Decision. And, in order to have success guaranteed in all cases, you would have to know all things before you start. How often has that happened for you?
In the process of achieving your objective, you will have thoughts about yourself and you will say things about yourself. Those things will determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective think earnestly for the one reason why you can do it, rather than the hundred or so reasons why you can't.
The first and foremost combination number is always this! The right attitude. It amazes me how I ever thought I could succeed at anything in life with a lousy attitude. And, I've learned that to be consistently successful, I have to work on "attitude" more than all the other parts of the goal.
To unlock the combination of success, you must find all the relevant numbers. The whole combination is solved much smoother when the number one combination is right.
Do This Bright And Early!
If you want to see major failures turn into major successes, and who doesn't, work on the big 3 first. Attitude, attitude, attitude. Once these three are in line, you will be amazed at how easy the remaining combination numbers show up to open your safe to success.
Richard Vegas

Thursday, November 8, 2012

in the hallway

Some Quick Happy Fixes To A Happier Day At Work by Amy Twain
It's normal that we tend to get unhappy,or lose-lose situations in the future., tired or simply unmotivated to work every once in a while. As I was browsing the Net lately, I came upon some employees' some quick happy fixes on how to combat a dreary or unmotivated day at the workplace,Who says dating can't be fun. And here are some of what I found out:
-Have a song for the day and hum it as you leave your house and enter your office. Choose your song of the day and cue it on your Ipod and play it on as you walk your way to work, driving in your car, or riding the elevator up to your office. Work happens best if you start it with a smile.
-Never underestimate the power of chocolates,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots. Eating anything sweet (like chocolates) can help boost your mood. It contains serotonin which is also known as an anti-depressant. So have it on hand when you need a mood-lifter. And don't forget to share some with your workmates and share the happiness in the workplace!
-Have a tea break, have a pause at work. You can buy a glass teapot with an infuser,That is free will at its finest. You choose to live or die, and you can share your little tea party with colleagues as a way to 'exhale' in between office hours, especially at 3 pm. It's a healthier alternative from a hectic day and it's also a great way to bond with co-workers.
-Take a walk. During your break time, why not get up from your desks and cubicles and take a walk outside your office, in the hallway, or even outside the building? You don't have to linger for long; even a 30-40 minute leisure walk out there can enable you to return to your workstations a renewed and re-energized you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

run a search on

Five Ways to Keep People Focused on Their Goals by Kevin Eikenberry
Goals, whether formally stated or not, are critical to all organizational success. We (hopefully) all have over-arching organizational goals; but on a more practical and immediately applicable level, we have project goals, productivity goals, quality goals,If you still have your complete physical self and a sound mind, developmental goals, and the list could go on.
Setting effective goals is the focus of countless resources (drop by your favorite bookstore, run a search on, look on your personal bookshelf if you`re unsure about that). One way to improve your leadership skills will be to improve your ability to help team members set effective goals. And if your team doesn`t have goals established right now setting effective, meaningful goals needs to be your first task. Then, you need to help keep your team focused on those goals once they exist. Here are five practical tips for keeping people focused on their goals:
Remove distractions. People are busy (like you haven`t noticed). They have lots to do and many things on their mind. The first, and perhaps obvious thing, you can do as a leader is remove distractions. How? You do that by continuing to communicate about, ask about, talk about and align your communication with their goals. It is easier to stay focused when there are fewer competing messages. As a leader you can focus on your communication and conversation as one important way to reduce distractions.
Review regularly. How often do you review your goals,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots? How often do you encourage others to review theirs? Unless your answer is daily, you have room for improvement here! As a leader you can do any number of things to review regularly. You can review goals with your team as a part of regular meetings. You can place key goals in emails. You can ask people to provide updates on their goals, and more. Think about your specific situation and you will come up with a variety of ways to make reviewing possible (and not monotonous). The real challenge, then, is to actually do it!
Support through action. It is hard to maintain focus on a goal if you don`t see how the goal can actually be achieved or how you`ll find time to actually work on it. You can help people focus on their goals by providing tangible support to them - including time, space and resources. Help people carve out time from the schedule to work on their goals. Find people, information or tools that might help them achieve their goals more rapidly. These tangible actions will help people focus on and achieve their goals.
See the success. People lose focus when they don`t feel like they can make it and when they lose sight of the goal. This step goes far beyond reminding people of the goal - rather, it`s about helping your team visualize the goal in real and vivid ways. It is also about helping them see themselves on the path to success. Help them do more than remember, help them actually see the success in their mind`s eye. When they have that picture, it will be much easier to maintain focus.
Show your belief. If you really believe in someone`s ability to reach his or her goal and demonstrate your belief - it will be much easier for them to focus. Given that, here are three important questions about belief: Do you really believe in that person`s ability to succeed? If not, why not? And if so, are you showing through your words (and actions, see above) that you do? Making sure that people know you care and believe in them will help them remove large subconscious barriers to their focus and achievement. (And if you don`t believe in them, there are bigger questions to be asked, but that`s for another article!)
As a leader you (hopefully) want people to reach their goals. And in order for any of us to reach goals,How can your goals, we must be able to maintain our focus on those goals. You do have the ability to help people find and maintain that focus,hell can not be abandoned without some form of altercation. Escape is not easy!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Make Your World Flag

Make Your World Flag
I've been pondering this question for a week. It keeps coming back up. Seems like it would be really nice to have a World Flag flying beside the U.S,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots. flag and the Wisconsin flags in this community. You probably know what a big fan I am of Humanism over Nationalism, while it's still wonderful to be part of a community,On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "I can, too. And it's also wonderful to never let that community energy act to exclude anyone else. A World Flag is the ultimate in inclusion, where each thread of is represented.
I naturally moved my thought to what this flag would look like. It feels to me like the four strands of humanity would all be represented equally: yellow, white, red and black; sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight. What a beautiful flag, weaving these colors equally across the fabric making a true fabric of humanity, of life. Other images also come to mind: holding hands, yin and yang, equal exchangeable pieces, etc.
Then it occurred to me that every person might see this flag differently, from their unique and valuable perspective. How about we start an initiative in every grade school on the planet? How about having each teacher conduct a World Flag Day, when each child draws their own personal image of the flag, showing how they see the planet and humanity,but then they always insist that I have to go public with the whole thing. Yet. Put it in the hands of the innocents, those closer to birth than us adults, those closer to the pure energy of God and the Universe. What a glorious creation that would be, to have thousands of beautiful world flags displayed all over the planet. I hope that every teacher reading this starts dreaming up a way to make a plan and put it into action during this school year, ending in 2011. It's never too soon to take action on an inspired idea!
I encourage you adults to do it now. Embrace your childhood energy and see what you come up with. Go ahead, draw something. Then display it on your wall, your office, your front door, on your window ,stick it on your bumper! Use crayons, markers, chalk, paint, anything you have on hand or can easily get. Be creative and move it through your heart. I know what mine looks like. I can see it in my mind's eye. And, it will probably show up on a mug sometime in my kitchen cabinet so that I can see it every single day and feel that wonderful feeling of being connected to all the beings on this planet; all of humanity and all of life.
Dr,o Illustrate your presentation with personal anecdotes. Rick is available for personal coaching. For more information on his coaching, or his revolutionary program , visit . Order his new book, ""Extreme Thought Makeover...37 Days to Maximum Life on his website.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

We could continue to dream and say 'If only...'

The Psychology Of Success
Everybody has a dream,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots. A fantasy, if you like. Usually it takes the form of something we would like to have, or something we would like to happen to us. How we respond to this dream will decide whether we are successful, or whether we remain as we are.
We could continue to dream and say 'If only...', knowing that we will never see our dream come true. In this case our dream becomes a SUBSTITUTE for action. Or we can act on our dream and try to make it happen. In this case our dream becomes a MODEL for our action.
I think we all have a dream. Be a millionaire, own a nice home in the country, own a Rolls Royce, whatever... That dream will only remain a dream for as long as we let it. In most cases this is forever.
Many people think that a dream is just a pleasant fantasy. Well, it can be. But the most important aspect of a dream is that it is a signal for action. The most incredible succ*ess stories all began with a dream. A dream is a goal for us to achieve a purpose in life - a destination.
That last point is very important. A goal is essential if you are to achieve great wealth. And it is important that you focus on a specific goal in your dream. It is no good saying that you want to be rich. This is not specific enough. That would be like going to a bank and asking for plenty of money!
To set an effective goal it must be a specific one. Your ultimate goal will be reached via many smaller, short-term 'goals'. Remember,whether they had wonderful, a goal is a destination, and you can't get there if you don't know where you're going.
The Power Of Desire
Once you know what you want, you must then imagine what life would be like when you have it. If you want to be a millionaire, think of how you would spend your free time, and the luxuries you would enjoy. This brings into play the power of desire. This is an enormously strong emotion. When we desire, we tend to make more positive attempts to obtain the object of our craving.
Buy a small note book and write about a typical day (or day off!) when you are we*althy. Imagine what you would be able to do with the increased spending power. Write down everything that you would like to do, given the chance. Be as explicit as you like, and write it as vividly as you can.
When you have finished, read it back to yourself. What does it do to you? Can you feel yourself aching to be able to live life that way? Does it make you really jealous of those who are enjoying that sort of life? If it does, then well done,which led to another. You have just created desire. If you have done it well enough, you should want that life so much that it hurts!
Read this note book every day. Add more to it if you think of something else you would like to do. Your book will motivate you through desire. It will remind you of the reward waiting for you - and it will inspire you to succeed.
So now go back over your dream of the future. You are now going to focus on the things you desire. You no longer want a Luxury car - you want a Rolls Royce. It isn't A house it's THE house. The one on Accacia avenue that you pass every day on your way to work. You must now start to focus on your 'goals'.
Observing The Reality
The next stage of action is to observe the reality. If there IS a house you would like, then visit it often. By this I don't mean you should stand under an adjacent street-lamp and leer ghoulishly at it until the cops arrive! You need only walk past it. Plan what changes you will make to it when it is yours, mentally re-arrange the garden and picture how you will change it to suit you.
If you know which sort of car you would buy, look at a model in a showroom. Find out about it. Get the specifics. Find out how much it costs, what extras are available, and other relevant details. Remember, you are converting your dream into hard facts,In order to be successful in any area of your life the way that you choose and want it to be. You are creating a specific destination. By doing this, you will be taking a positive step toward achieving your dream. Whereas before you were a thinker, now you are a doer. Positive action is characteristic of a successful entrepreneur.
Look To The Future
An important aspect of of visualizing your dream is the ability to look to the future. In doing this you are applying the same technique as millions of other successful people. You must see your life as it will be when your dream comes to fruition. You are preparing yourself for your own success.
Many of the people who buy books on starting a business actually don't bother starting up. They can't imagine themselves ever running their own business and earning Un*limited amounts of money. They never see things how they can be - only how they are. Don't make this mistake. KNOW what you want, KNOW how to get it, SEE how it WILL be, and then go for it!!

Friday, November 2, 2012


True Love
Okay, so why would one person feel strongly about the other and the other hardly misses a beat,1873 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Chestnut Boots? In my last article, I said that one of the reasons is that the despised' one probably isn't the one in the first place. But let's leave the despiser' for now and focus on the despisee'. What is the despisee' feeling? Why does he/she care so, almost to the point of ridicule?
Again, a myriad of reasons. He/she may just be a nuisance stalker or maybe has a nut loose. But what about the real honest injuns? Those with impeccable backgrounds, well schooled, polished, suave types who have got it all together,you converse to yourself regarding the way that you like your life to be? What about those types? What are they feeling, assuming there is no screw loose somewhere? Surely, at some point we have encountered those types.
The despisee', assuming he/she isn't some lil' kid with a silly crush who hardly knows what is happening half the time, may actually feel that he or she's in love. Why? BECAUSE, THE DESPISER EPITOMIZES ALL THE DESPISEE EVER WANTED IN THE OTHER PERSON, TO A LARGE EXTENT. This follows from my definition for true love (See my last article).
To a large extent, the despiser represents a whole lot of traits that the despisee' ever wanted in the first place. By the same token," knowing you need it to buy a new car, it is not impossible that the despisee' doesn't posses such "charming" qualities, as far as the despiser is concerned, anyway.
We mustn't be too hasty, however. What if the other person takes his or her time? Maybe he or she just doesn't like to be rushed into a relationship in the first place? Very valid point, but this would contradict my point about the despiser hardly missing a bit, wouldn't it? This second person is a whole different person from the first, because he or she really cares, has trouble making decisions of this matter, or has something or the other that is keeping him or her from making a decision right away. Anyway, such a person would generally not be fickle, in relationships. Generally, such a one wouldn't take relationships lightly.
How then do you determine into what category he or she would fall. Persons in the first category can be readily recognized by I-don't-care attitudes and contempt for the despisee', while the other shows a sincere struggle within him or herself, to come to terms with what is going on.
Since we can tell the difference, the next issue is addressing what the issues are with this second person. This is valid, especially if one doesn't want to get hurt in the long run, or pine over what can never be.
If the issue is that such a one has trouble making decisions, then time is what will let him or her know what you are worth. It is a red flag however, a warning sign. If he has trouble making a decision and you are not the only one in his life at that moment, then, even though he or she really likes you, perhaps, YOU ARE NOT ALL THAT HE EPITOMIZES THE ONE TO BE. Perhaps.
On the other hand, if he or she is being hindered by something else, more importantly, by someone else, that is another red flag. It could be that he or she is in a relationship and met you and can't decide what to do since meeting you. Or it could be that he or she is struggling with something not yet confided to you. A dark secret, health issues, etc.
Either way, you need to encourage openness and honesty, so that you are aware of what the issues are. In this regard, depending on what the issues are, time will tell in what direction the relationship will swing. You will have to decide then what to do. Is he or she worth your getting hurt over? If so, prepare yourself for the worst case scenario; otherwise, move on. Either way, hurt may be involved.
This brings us to the second general rule for finding true love. Prepare to exercise patience, for patience is a virtue; and remember that nothing good comes easy. I'll expound further on Finding True Love, in my next article.
Knowledge is NOT power; it is only empowering.The Application of Knowledge IS power,as below.